Core Group Roles

The Core Group are selected at an Annual General Meeting, but as is the nature of voluntary organisation members are often co-opted mid year - this page is in development!.

Between them they cover the following list of tasks. Individuals may cover more than one function, but if their workload become too onerous, they may subdivide their roles and co-opt new core-group members or ask for help from members, whilst keeping an overview. If you would like to volunteer for one of the roles which remain unfilled please Contact Us.

Coordinator: Keeps central diary, chairs meeting, coordinates and facilitates all jobs, socials, meetings, and manages the Admin Fund to acknowledge other Core Group members at the agreed rate for their work on these activities. Liaises with LETSlink.
General Secretary: works closely with the coordinator in compiling agendas for meetings, drafts minutes as Info Pages or Newsletter Uploads, and submits them for approval to those present. Links them to the News Archive, refers them to the News Editor for publication as documents linked to messages to members when appropriate.
Treasurer: administrates sterling bank account if there is one (otherwise liaising with LETSlink if they receive subscripions) pays out sterling expenses against claims, presents income and expenditure at core group meetings, sets and monitors sterling budget, does End Of Year accounts, records and banks cheques received, records sterling contributions in member profiles and manages the Xchange Account to reimburse sterling fees in LETS currency. ------
LETS Accountant:. Assists members who lack digital access to make online transactions. Manages the System Account, which brings Eals subscriptions into the system account on an annual basis at the rate agreed by the Core Group, transfers approved amount to the Admin, Joining, Xchange, Social and other Funds on an annual basis to cover work done by members and reports back on the state of the LETS accounts to the Core Group on an ongoing basis and annually to AGM meetings.
Membership Secretary: receives enquiries and applications by post, phone or email, makes contact by phone, processes address validation, sets up new member accounts and initial member profile data including background information and Offers & Wants, makes initial payments from the Joining Fund to new members calculated according to the month when they were enrolled, to compensate for the retrospective annual fee-take, identifies members who will require ongoing support, liaising with the Member Support officer.
Member Support /Directory Editor: reviews member accounts systematically, according to expire date, helps them to update their profile, offers and wants and to trade, encourages them to make donations, and forward expire date as appropriate. Also in buddying role edits directory, searches, print directories and carries out online transactions on behalf of members without internet access. Trains local buddies and match new members who need ongoing support and manages the Care Fund to encourage members to support others who are disabled or elderly.
Events Organiser: helps members to set up local events and ongoing support groups, updates the -Events listings accordingly. Keeps members informed of the social calendar and circulates ideas and suggestions for events for comment and action from the membership. Co-ordinates with News Editor and "Outreach" on publicity. Manages the Social Fund to acknowledge members who host local events.
Outreach: - links with representatives of other organisations, and updates the Local Links page accordingly, works to promote the LETS group and encourage community groups to inform their members about LETS and possibly get involved.
Project Officer: Leads particular Social or Environmental Projects, which encourage members to engage in Allotment Gardening, Conservation, Recycling Support etc. Manages the Green Fund to acknowledge the work of members engaging in these projects.
Local Representatives are multi-taskers who can answer local enquiries, outreach in their neighbourhoods, run social events, and enrol new members. Their work is supported by the core functions as above. Currently we are looking to recruit local organisers in all areas.
..none yet...
News Editor gathers news items from core group and members, including minutes of meetings, and liaises with the Coordinator to compile and upload Newsletters. Updates News & Events and Archive Lists accordingly and informs members of updated content in News Messages. Advises on (or manages) Social Media if required.
Mediators are part of the Mediation Team, responsible for negotiating to resolve any disputes between members.
OTHER CORE GROUP MEMBERS who provide general support, without specific roles:
Support: Website hosting, email management and database back-up. Support to group as a whole on technical and management issues including website editing where required. Provides training to individuals or the group, as required. Mary Fee (LETSlink) (support)
Core Group members have the authority to carry out the tasks in their job description between meetings, and you can contact them via the links to their profiles above. If they come across matters requiring a joint policy decision they will place them on the agenda for the next Core Group meeting. Special core group meetings or general meetings may be held if needed. Dates of all meetings are made known to members in advance. If you want to email all members of the core group, they can be reached via:
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